Merchant Support Integration Refund process via APIv4 It is possible to make an open banking refund via API endpoint payments/refund . Mandatory parameters to refund payment: api_username, amount, timestamp, payment_reference, nonce, customer_name . After a successful API request the payment status changes from “Settled” to “Refunded” and the standing amount should be amended accordingly. Payment/refund response includes transaction_reference that is required to get XML pain 001 files with refunds/xml_payment_file endpoint. Transaction references can be separated by a comma and the maximum amount of allowed transaction references is 1500. It is possible to revert the recent refund via API endpoint refunds/revert. After the refund was reverted and the standing amount becomes equal to the initial amount, the payment status changes to “Settled”. Last Updated: 2 years ago in Integration Did this article answer your question? Related Articles Integrate periodic Open Banking payments Integrate one-click Open Banking payments (CIT) Google Pay™ integration guide 3DS authentication in the demo environment Apple Pay integration guide EveryPay Status Page