Magento 2 extension. Merchant Integration Manual

Download Magento 2 Module (updated 30.08.2024)


  • SEB E-commerce payment solution Magento plugin now supports Google Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • Adds SEB E-commerce payment solution to Magento 2 for supporting Card, Open Banking and PayPal payments
  • Enables embedding the payment form to the checkout workflow in iFrame for card payments
  • Customer Initiated Token (one-click) payment allows returning customers to perform payments faster and easier using saved card details


The extension has been tested to work with the following Magento versions:

  • Magento 2.3.3, Magento 2.4.x, compatible with PHP 8

However, it’s possible that the extension works even when these are not met.


The extension can be installed from the command line.
See below for instructions.

Command line
SEB extension is available on SEB Support website free of charge.

Installation steps:

  1. Download and unzip latest Magento 2 module.
  2. Open “magento/app” folder
  3. Create folders 3 folders:
  • code
  • Seb
  • Baltic

Folders structure should be like this…\magento\app\code\Seb\Baltic

  1. Open “Baltic ” folder which you created in a previous step and copy all content from our Magento 2 module
  2. Open command line as Administrator
  3. Go to “magento” folder using terminal
  4. Enter the following commands at the command line (PHP directory path should be defined if you are using Windows):
  • php bin/magento module:enable Seb_Baltic
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento cache:flush

When it is production mode also run commands:

  • bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  1. Proceed to the configuration at Stores/Configuration/Sales/Payment Methods/SEB e-commerce payment solution.


Once the extension is installed, it can be configured via Stores/Configuration/Sales/Payment methods.

Due to the reason that some of the banks do not support 3DS inside the iFrame we recommend choosing “Redirect to payment page” payment integration variant.

Accept Google Pay payments

Note that to accept Google Pay payment on the Web, you need to serve from an HTTPS webpage with a TLS domain-validated certificate.

  • To accept Google Pay payments, you must register with Google and receive a Merchant ID, adding the necessary information in Google Pay API section via Google Pay and Wallet Console
  • From your Merchant portal, go to E-shop Settings
  • Choose the right E-shop and go to Google Pay section at the bottom of the page
  • Read and confirm Google Pay Terms and Conditions by clicking the checkbox
  • In the “Google Pay Merchant ID for Custom Domains” field enter the Google Merchant ID obtained from the Google Pay for Business console and press “Save” (in the test environment, a random value can be entered)
    • In the Google Pay section, there should be: “Registered” with Google Pay Merchant ID and the option to “Unregister”

If everything is set up correctly, when customers go to the checkout page, the Google Pay payment method will be present.

To initiate a Google Pay payment in the test environment, just add a genuine card to your Google Wallet. You can relax knowing that no funds will be deducted, as a red notification will inform you – Your payment method won’t be charged because you’re in a test environment.

Accept Apple Pay payments

Contact SEB if you would like to start accepting Apple Pay payments.

The handling of Apple Pay payments in E-shop requires:

  • All pages that include Apple Pay must be served over HTTPS
  • Webstore domain must have a valid SSL certificate
  • Your server is set up for secure communication with Apple Pay. Follow the Apple Pay Guide
  • Active registered e-shop in SEB merchant portal
  • Enabled card payment method


  1. Download domain verification file:
  • From your Merchant portal, go to E-shop Settings
  • Choose the right e-shop and go to Apple Pay section
  • Download domain verification file
  • Host file’s content to https://[DOMAIN_NAME]/.well-known/ folder in your website’s root directory
  • Corresponding file should be reachable from https://[DOMAIN_NAME]/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association
  1. Register webstore domain:
  • From your Merchant portal, go to E-shop Settings
  • Choose the right e-shop and go to Apple Pay section
  • Click + icon and enter your webstore domain or sub-domain where the Apple Pay payment will take place (e.g., etc.)
  • Click Add domain
  • Check registration status. If the result is correct, the status registered and the corresponding domain should be displayed

If everything is set up correctly, when customers go to the checkout page, the Apple Pay payment method will be present if an eligible device and browser are being used.

Callback notification set up in merchant portal

For the plugin to work correctly, Callback URL needs to be added in the Merchant portal. Copy the “Callback Notification URL” from the plugin settings and paste into Merchant Portal/E-shop settings/Callback Notification URL field.

Callback notifications are used to inform the plugin about payment status updates. When the payment is finalized by the customer, Callback is sent to the URL that was added in the Merchant portal and a payment status request is made showing the correct payment status to the customer and in the Magento/Orders section.

Please do not add to the Callback-url /ee , /en , /lv etc if your URL changes based on language.

Field name Description
Gateway URL Select TEST or LIVE. Depending on the environment you need to use
API username / test API
SEB Payment Gateway Production(Live) and Test servers have different API credentials.
API settings are defined in SEB Payment Gateway Merchant Portal
Looks like this (16 symbols): 68d9463b47d9a364
API Account Name Processing accounts are defined in SEB Payment Gateway Merchant Portal.
Looks like this: EUR3D1 or USD3D1
Payment Integration Variants iFrame – payment form is embedded in the checkout workflow
Redirect – after checkout the buyer is redirect to SEB Payment Gateway payment page
* Open banking payments are always redirect
Enable Payment With Saved Card Enables one-click-payments which allows returning customers to save their card details (a reference token to required card information in SEB Payment Gateway system) for faster and easier payments in the future
Enable this Solution Enable or disable SEB Payment Gateway Payment Method
Title of Card Payments This controls the title which the user sees on card payments
Title of Bank Payment This controls the title which the user sees on bank payments
Title of Alternative Payment This controls the title which the user sees on alternative payment methods (PayPal etc.)
Title of Apple Pay This controls the title which the user sees on Apple Pay payment method
Apple Pay Button Style Choose how to display Apple Pay button and style based on Apple guidelines, possible options “Black”, “White”, “White with outline”
Method order When system has several active payment methods installed, this field determines their display order
Default country By default country selection is attempted by the currently active locale. When some country is selected it ignores the language and shows always the selected country Open Banking payment method first
Update Payment Methods Can update payment methods manually
in Integration
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